More names are in the non-english localizations:
Season 5 paint jobs are currently named “Neon” paint jobs (may be the same case as season 4 having the same name for wheels and paints): Neon Blue, Neon Aqua, Neon Green, Neon Yellow, Neon Orange, Neon Red, Neon Pink, Neon Purple
Fairymobile kart name: “Daredevil”
Junkulon Prime kart name: “Nitro Bumper”
Season 5 legendary skin names:
-Circus Ami
-Clown Cortex
-Hillbilly/Bumpkin Fake Crash
-Circus Isabella
-Circus Kong
-Circus Liz
-Circus Megumi
-Cannonball Nash
-Farmer N.Gin
-Clown Penta
Kong exotic skins:
-Kodiak Kong
-Wild Kong
-Stone Kong
Pasadena exotic skins:
-Licorice Pasadena
-Glamor Pasadena
-Daredevil Pasadena
Von Clutch exotic skins:
-Hotheaded von Clutch
-Retro von Clutch
-Stuntman von Clutch